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Canon Communications Asia Pte. Ltd.

Contact Canon Communications Asia Pte. Ltd.

About Canon Communications Asia Pte. Ltd.
As the leading B-to-B media company dedicated exclusively to the global $3.0 trillion advanced manufacturing sector, Canon helps support the flow of information, commerce and innovation in such sophisticated segments as medical devices and pharmaceutical development. Canon also addresses cutting-edge developments in broader areas of advanced engineering design and manufacturing, and manufacturing processes and packaging.

Canon’s comprehensive support to the advanced manufacturing sector is delivered through a highly coordinated suite of trade shows, conferences, publications, websites, e-newsletters, databases, and other Emedia. Canon’s media products play leading, crucial roles in the markets they cover.

Because the advanced manufacturing sector is inherently global, Canon produces [37] trade shows, [17] publications, and over 50 Emedia offerings in North America, Europe, and Asia. In 2009, Canon has launched trade shows in the United States, Germany, France, and Japan.Digital and data products are also an area of growth for Canon, bringing new tools to the advanced manufacturing sector. At the same time, Canon’s traditional print magazines are recognized authorities in their sectors, and many editors produce authoritative content and lively and well-followed blogs.

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