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Vaser Liposuction / Vaser Liposelection

What is Vaser Lipo?
Vaser, which stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, received FDA clearance for body contouring in 2002. Since then, thousands of patients have undergone lipo-sculpting by Vaser (i.e. Vaser Liposelection) worldwide. At Freia, we have switched to using Vaser Liposelection/Liposuction since 2008 from the traditional liposuction technique.

How is Vaser liposelection different from traditional liposuction?
In traditional liposuction, there are 2 main steps involved: infusing fluid into the treated area, followed by suctioning out the unwanted fatty tissue. Vaser liposelection/liposuction has an additional step in between: The Vaser step uses medical ultrasound energy to selectively emulsify or melt fatty tissue. This effective technology makes removal of the unwanted fatty tissue easier. Less trauma to surrounding tissues means that you are on your feet faster. In addition, Vaser helps to tighten the treated skin so that you experience better overall contouring of the area. Individual variation can occur.

What areas of my body can be treated by Vaser?
Almost all parts of the body can be treated effectively, but we find that the most common requests and best results are for the tummy, love handles, back, arms (triceps, biceps, elbow), underarms, pectoral and shoulder areas, thighs (inner and outer, front and back thighs), buttocks, calves, cheeks, lower jaw and double chin. In men, we can remove unwanted fatty tissue in the chest area. This condition is known as pseudogynaecomastia, or “male boobs” (moobs) as many of our male patients like to call it. The results are predictable and consistent if performed on the right candidate and the right body part.

How long will a vaser procedure take?
The procedure normally takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the area involved and the amount of fatty tissue removed. There are 2 essential steps when it comes to Vaser:

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